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BioTechCircle News®
April 2011
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Issue 94
See all previous issues at Archives
You can now follow our comments and updates on Twitter: http://twitter.com/BioTechCircle
In this articles section: links to 76 free Web articles in 15 major categories.
The major categories are in alphabetical order and further subdivided to make it easy for you to locate news and developments in technology, the business and the markets in the life science areas of interest to you. We’ve provided brief synopses to help you decide which articles you’d like to read. Simply click on the title to go directly to the original article.
Here are the major categories.
Agri-Biotech (7 articles)
Biobusiness Management (5 articles)
Clinical Trials (2 articles)
Diagnostic Tools (2 articles)
Drug Delivery (1 article)
Industry (13 articles)
Investments/Government Support (1 article)
Novel Applications (2 articles)
Organizations (3 articles)
People Profiles (1 article)
Personalized Medicine (1 article)
Platform Technologies (15 articles)
Research Advancements (15 articles)
Research Tools (6 articles)
Therapeutic Category (2 articles)
For a brief explanation of how we categorize the articles, please see "Express Guide to Monthly Web Articles at: http://www.techmanage.net/expressguide_articles
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Subcategory: Crops
Future Farm: A Sunless, Rainless Room Indoors
The Washington Times (11-Apr-11)
Bioengineers have taken the concept of a greenhouse a step further, growing
vegetables, herbs and house plants in enclosed, regulated environments where
even natural light is excluded. Sunlight is not only unnecessary but can be
harmful, says researcher.
Subcategory: Energy/ Fuel
Methane Bugs Turn Coal into Gas
Mead Gruver ChemInfo (06-Apr-11)
Coal is full of microbes that consume the fossil fuel & break it down into
methane gas. Two companies want to develop this naturally occurring
phenomenon on a large scale to create vast amounts of natural gas in
energy-rich places like Wyoming.
Economics, Pysics Are Roadblocks for Mass-scale Algae Biodiesel Production,
Kansas State University (05-Apr-11)
The total mass of Earth never changes, and in order to be sustainable, mass
conservation and especially a closed carbon mass balance must be maintained
for the algae diesel production and consumption system, says expert.
Subcategory: Environment
Soils of Northern U.S. Forests Are High in Mercury
Sara Peach Chemical & Engineering News (19-Apr-11)
A systematic inventory of mercury concentrations in 14 forests across the
continental U.S. revealed that, in general, soils at higher latitudes contained
more mercury than those at lower latitudes. Climate change could cause
release of this mercury.
Subcategory: Microorganisms
Bacterial Genome May Hold answers to Mercury Mystery
Morgan McCorkle Oak Ridge National Laboratory (08-Apr-11)
Methylmercury, a potent human neurotoxin, appears in the environment
when the naturally occurring bacterium Desulfovibrio desulfuricans strain
ND132 transforms inorganic mercury into its more toxic form.
Subcategory: Miscellaneous
Drought-exposed Leaves Adversely Affect Soil Nutrients, Study Shows
Brian Wallheimer Purdue News (05-Apr-11)
Red maple leaves accumulate about twice as much tannin than normal when
exposed to hot, droughtlike conditions. The tannins, which defend leaves from
herbivores and pathogens, interfere with the function of common enzymes in
Subcategory: Startups
Companies Advance Biobased Chemicals
Michael McCoy Chemical & Engineering News (25-Apr-11)
McCoy describes 2 new venture-capital-backed start-ups building plants to
make chemicals out of nonfood cellulosic biomass. Both are focusing on
higher-value industrial chemicals rather than ethanol.
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Subcategory: Energy/ Fuel
Retooling A Bacterial Biofuel Factory
Carmen Drahl Chemical & Engineering News (31-Mar-11)
Rising gas prices, modern biotechnology revive interest in an
early-20th-century butanol fermentation process, using the slow-growing
bacterium Clostridium acetobutylicum. Best known for producing butanol as
fuel for World War II-era planes.
Subcategory: Environment
Despite Economy, Green Roofs Bloom
The Dirt (21-Apr-11)
A survey of corporations involved in green roof design and development
found that 8-9 mil sq ft of green roofs were added in 2010. Much of this
growth occured in cities like Chicago, New York, and Washington, D.C.
Subcategory: Patent/Intellectual Property Issues
Making Medical Treatment Claims Patent-Eligible Subject Matter After
Prometheus v. Mayo: A Prescription for Success
Jay Pattumudi Bio-IT World (08-Apr-11)
Making a medical treatment claim patent-eligible should involve applying
natural phenomenon and include specific treatment steps, should also include
a specific treatment regimen involving an administration of specific drugs for
specific diseases.
Ted Agres Drug Discovery & Development (01-Apr-11)
If the FDA decides that the health care reform law refers to data exclusivity,
generic competitors will have to wait 12 years before gaining access to a
reference drug’s underlying composition. If it refers to marketing, data access
could be in 4 years.
Subcategory: Privacy/ Records Management
The Cost of Electronic Health Record Storage
John D. Halamka Mass High Tech (06-Apr-11)
How do we preserve it for a sufficiently long period of time to maximize value
to patient, caretaker, and scientists? Halamka links to paper on a tiered
storage approach to information lifecycle management, other resources.
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Subcategory: Geographic focus
Biotech’s Missed Opportunity: Small-Town and Rural America
Luke Timmerman Xconomy (18-Apr-11)
There are good reasons for biotech and pharma companies to take a closer
look at lower-cost “second cities” in the U.S. Doctors in smaller cities that are
included in clinical trials early on are more likely to champion new treatment
Subcategory: Subject Enrollment/Management
ALS Study Shows Social Media's Value as Research Tool
Amu Dockser Marcus Wall Street Journal (25-Apr-11)
Early example of how social networking (SN) could play a role in clinical trials
shows that SN may be most useful for testing efficacy of off-label or
off-patent compounds that patients are using but are unlikely to ever attract
pharma company interest.
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Subcategory: Immunology/ Infectious Diseases
New Test Spots Infections in Hours, Rather than Days
Katherine Bourzac Technology Review (15-Apr-11)
The sooner a hospital lab can identify the cause of a patient's infection, the
faster that patient can be put on the right antibiotics. New test uses magnetic
nanoparticles to detect blood-borne infections in hours instead of days.
Subcategory: Proteomics
In Search Of Misfolded Proteins
Laura Cassiday Chemical & Engineering News (25-Apr-11)
A new assay detects small, soluble aggregates of misfolded proteins that form
at early stages of disease. Technique could enable earlier diagnosis of diseases
such as Alzheimer's and type 2 diabetes.
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Subcategory: Musculoskeletal
Injectable Gel Could Spell Relief for Arthritis Sufferers
Brigham and Women's Hospital (12-Apr-11)
Reviews “The Holy Grail of drug delivery...an autonomous system that
[meters] the amount of drug released in response to a biological stimulus,
ensuring that the drug is released only when needed at a therapeutically
relevant concentration.”
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Subcategory: Bioethics
The Loaded Ethics of DNA Hacking
Marcus Wohlsen Salon (09-Apr-11)
The disruptive power of DNA changes the terms of the open-source
argument. A biohacker, either careless and unlucky or brilliant and evil, could
theoretically unleash a swine flu variant that resists all treatment by known
antivirals, has no off switch.
Subcategory: Databases
Open Source Biology Deserves a Shot
Luke Timmerman Xconomy (11-Apr-11)
Researchers around the world are pouring huge volumes of genomic data onto
their private servers, hoping to make groundbreaking discoveries. Should
genomic data be private, or should it be poured into a free and open database
that all scientists share?
Subcategory: Disease Prevention
Twin Dangers: Malnutrition and Obesity
Alvin Powell Harvard University Gazette (27-Apr-11)
Nutrition sits amid 3 major problems of global health: reducing malnutrition
and infectious disease; growth of chronic diseases like heart disease and
diabetes in developing nations; globalization of dietary habits and fast foods.
Subcategory: Education
Learning Science through Gaming
Peter Dizikes MIT News (19-Apr-11)
A special science-mystery project, “Vanished,” is a 2-month-long game
intended to take the problem-solving and critical-thinking skills kids often
develop playing other forms of video games, and translate those habits into a
scientific context.
Subcategory: Environment
Waste Ash from Coal Could Save Billions in Repairing U.S. Bridges & Roads
American Chemical Society (29-Mar-11)
Nearly 70% of about 130 million tons of flyash produced by coal-burning
electric power plants goes to landfills every year. New coating material for
concrete made from flyash is hundreds of times more durable than existing
coatings, costs half as much.
Yellowstone Supervolcano Fed by Bigger Plume
Paul Rincon BBC News (13-Apr-11)
The underground volcanic plume at Yellowstone in the US may be bigger than
previously thought, according to a study by geologists, using variations in the
electrical conductivity of rocks to produce a new picture of the plume.
The Heat Is On: NIST Zeroes in on Ice Maker Energy Consumption
NIST (12-Apr-11)
Refrigerators user 8% of the total energy consumed by 111 million U.S.
households. Only ~25% of extra energy consumed by ice makers is used to
cool, freeze water. Remaining energy is for electric heaters to release cubes.
Room for improvement!
Subcategory: Food
RFID Can Help Food Industry Prevent Illness Outbreaks: Report
Brian T. Horowitz eWeek (19-Apr-11)
Automatic data collection RFID tags with sensors can detect, record if at any
time the temperature for a container of vegetables hits 40 degF rather than
the ideal 34 degrees, or if berries get too cold and freeze rather than remaining
at 34-36 degF.
Subcategory: Gene Sequences
DNA Sequencing: From Revolutionary to Routine
Alan Dove Drug Discovery & Development (01-Apr-11)
Gene sequencing has become so ubiquitous that even researchers who would
never consider themselves molecular biologists now use it routinely. Reviews
types of sequencing services available, benefits to using them.
Subcategory: Geographic focus
Top 10 Most - and Least - Green U.S. States
Daily Finance (22-Apr-11)
Thousands of data points -- comprising 49 separate metrics coming from a
number of sources -- were reflected in 27 final categories, including toxic
waste, carbon footprint, alternative energy use. Greenest state: Vermont.
Least green: Ohio.
Subcategory: Miscellaneous
Paul Livingstone R & D Magazine (01-Apr-11)
Science-based April Fool's jokes from around the world. How many would
YOU be taken in on? Full disclosure: I would have "bit" on at least one! But
I'm not telling which.
Can Hobbyists and Hackers Transform Biotechnology?
Amanda Gefter Technology Review (21-Apr-11)
Biohackers, do-it-yourself biology hobbyists want to bring biotechnology out
of institutional labs and into our homes. In Biopunk, journalist Marcus
Wohlsen surveys the rising tide of the biohacker movement.. Raises practical,
philosophical questions.
Subcategory: Obstetrics/ Gynecology
UK Government Urged to Permit Use of Techniques to Prevent Transmission of
Wellcome Trust (20-Apr-11)
Scientists want U.K. government to allow researchers to replace the defective
mitochondria - the 'batteries" - of a fertiliZed egg, preventing transmission of
mitochondrial diseases from a mother to her child.
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Subcategory: Education
HHMI Announces Competition for $60 Million in Grants for Undergraduate
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (05-Apr-11)
Institute changes its approach to school grants in hopes of getting better
information about which kinds of science education programs succeed in
developing the talent and leadership skills of students. Goal: produce better
scientists, science teachers.
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Subcategory: Education
Inefficient Engineering, Dragon Economics
Lauren K. Wolf Chemical & Engineering News (25-Apr-11)
Describes the winning process of the annual Rube Goldberg machine contest
for high school, college teams. This year's competition: build a machine that
takes at least 20 steps to water a plant in less than 2 minutes. Next year: pop
a balloon.
Subcategory: Microorganisms
David L. Chandler MIT News (25-Apr-11)
A genetically engineered version of a virus called M13, which normally infects
bacteria, can control arrangement of nanotubes on a surface, keeping the tubes
separate and apart so they can’t short out the circuits or clump.
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Subcategory: Bioterrorism
Biosecurity Effort Expands to Africa
Glenn Hess Chemical & Engineering News (11-Apr-11)
The Cooperative Threat Reduction (CTR) program is being expanded to
confront the threat of bioterrorism. Ebola, Marburg, and Rift Valley Fever
viruses occur naturally in Africa, where civil upheaval and terrorism are
Subcategory: Environment
Boeing Announces New Factory Will be 100% Powered by Renewable Energy
Brit Liggett Inhabitat (25-Apr-11)
Boeing's new 787 jet assembly plant in South Carolina will be completely
powered by renewable energy. The solar panels on the roof will provide most
of the energy needed for operations, supplemented with purchase of
renewable energy certificates.
Subcategory: Evolution Research
New Exhibition Examines the Future of Our Species
Wellcome Trust (15-Apr-11)
HUMAN+, a major new exhibition, explores questions such as What is the
next step for humankind? Can we defeat ageing and extend our lives
indefinitely? People are invited to donate their DNA to a major research
experiment on the D4 dopamine receptor gene.
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Subcategory: Environmental
Richard Branson Has Deep-sea Ambitions, Launches Virgin Oceanic
Paul Smalera Fortune Magazine (06-Apr-11)
Branson will visit the deepest points of the world's oceans: Mariana Trench
(Pacific), Puerto Rico Trench (Atlantic), Diamantina Trench (Indian), South
Sandwich Trench (Southern Atlantic), Molloy Deep (Arctic). Video link to discussion.
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Subcategory: Oncology
Decoding Cancer Patients’ Genomes Is Powerful Diagnostic Tool
Caroline Arbanas Washington University in St. Louis (19-Apr-11)
Discusses the power of sequencing cancer patients’ genomes as a diagnostic
tool, helping doctors decide the best course of treatment and researchers
identify new cancer susceptibility mutations that can be passed from parent
to child.
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Subcategory: Computing Systems
Researchers Make the Leap to Whole-cell Simulations
Diana Yates University of Illinois (30-Mar-11)
Researchers build a computer model of the crowded interior of a bacterial cell
that accurately simulates the behavior of living cells. The "in silico" cells are
the first to model entire cells representing the complete contents of the cellular
Subcategory: Environment
Theorists Crack LED Lighting Performance Problem
UC Santa Barbara (19-Apr-11)
Discovering the cause of LED droop, a problem that's made light-emitting
diodes (LEDs) impractical for general lighting purposes will develop a new
generation of high-performance, energy-efficient lighting.
Solar Power without Solar Cells: A Hidden Magnetic Effect of Light could Make
University of Michigan (13-Apr-11)
At the right intensity, when light is traveling through a material that does not
conduct electricity, the light field can generate magnetic effects that are
100 times stronger than previously expected. Due to optical rectification.
Subcategory: Genomics
Race Car Code for Computational Biology
Texas Advanced Computing (31-Mar-11)
Most traits are determined by a complex network of genes working together
to control the biochemical processes that determine the emergence of a trait.
Genes are like a control system that every minute of every day are turning
each other on and off.
Subcategory: Imaging
Researchers Get a First Look at the Mechanics of Membrane Proteins
Diana Yates University of Illinois (18-Apr-11)
Computational methodology combined wih cryo-electron microscopy
produces the first detailed view of the elaborate chemical and mechanical
interactions that allow the ribosome to insert a growing protein into the
cellular membrane.
Subcategory: Nanotechnology
Origami: Not just for paper anymore
Anne Trafton MIT News (27-Apr-11)
Some scientists DNA, see the highly stable and programmable molecule, as an
ideal building material for nanoscale structures that could be used to deliver
drugs, act as biosensors, perform artificial photosynthesis and more.
New Biosensor Microchip Could Speed up Drug Development
Stanford School of Medicine (19-Apr-11)
New microchip could hold more than 100,000 magnetically sensitive
nanosensors that can simultaneously monitor thousands of times more
proteins than existing technology, deliver results faster and assess the strength
of the bonds.
Subcategory: Oncology
Emily Singer Technology Review (01-May-11)
In a single patient, you have both the tumor genome and the normal genome;
answers result much more quickly by comparing the two. Information can
help predict a patient's prognosis and identify which drugs are most likely to
work for that patient.
Subcategory: Personalized Medicine
Following the Genomic Road Map
Alvin Powell Harvard University Gazette (22-Feb-11)
As our understanding of the human genome has advanced, the complexity of
many diseases has emerged. Other challenges: growing amount of data and
ambiguity of information. Value is in knowing that certain medicines work
better on some people than others.
Subcategory: Proteomics
Nicole Davis Harvard University Gazette (24-Apr-11)
Approach offers many windows into the life cycle of RNA and will enable
other scientists to investigate what happens when something in a cell goes
wrong: measuring how much messenger RNA (mRNA) is produced and how
much is degraded.
How to Separate a Sheep from Its Flock
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (27-Mar-11)
In healthy cells, more than 500 different kinases help keep all manner of
essential processes running smoothly. Glitches in these can trigger diabetes,
impair immune function, or drive the spread of cancers.
Nano Fit-ness: Helping Enzymes Stay Active and Keep in Shape
Michael Mullaney Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (06-Apr-11)
A new technique for boosting the stability of enzymes makes them useful
under a much broader range of conditions. Technology could be adapted to
better control nanoscale environments, as well as increase the activity and
selectivity of different enzymes.
UC San Diego Chemists Produce First High-Resolution RNA "Nano Square"
Kim McDonald UC San Diego (04-Apr-11)
The ability to carry structural information encoded in the sequence of the
constituent building blocks is a characteristic trait of RNA, a key component
of the genetic code. The nano square self-assembles from 4 corner units.
Ends of Chromosomes Protected by Stacked, Coiled DNA Caps
University of Pennsylvania ( 19-Apr-11)
Telomeres can be protected by caps made up of specialized proteins and
stacks of DNA called G-quadruplexes, or "G4 DNA." Loss of caps may
contribute to human aging, Werner syndrome, and Bloom syndrome.
Subcategory: Virology
Speeding up Biomolecular Evolution
Steve Bradt Harvard University Gazette (10-Apr-11)
Fast-replicating bacterial viruses, also known as phages, accelerate the
evolution of biomolecules in the laboratory. Could ultimately allow the
tailoring of custom pharmaceuticals and research tools from lab-grown
proteins, nucleic acids, and others.
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Subcategory: Cardiology/ Vascular Diseases
Simple Injection Could Limit Damage from Heart Attacks and Stroke
University of Leicester (19-Apr-11)
Excessive inflammatory response is partly responsible for the morbidity and
mortality associated with heart attacks and strokes. A single antibody
injection in animals is shown to disrupt the molecular process that leads to
tissue and organ destruction.
Subcategory: Food
Genetic Variants Associated with Caffeine Intake Identified
Brigham and Women's Hospital (08-Apr-11)
Identification of genes that have an impact on daily caffeine consumption
offers opportunities to better understand physiologic and health conditions
such as sleep, energy and blood sugar metabolism, mood, mental and physical
Subcategory: Immunology/ Infectious Diseases
Discovery of Two New Genes Provides Hope for Stemming Staph Infections
Indiana University (12-Apr-11)
Staph is becoming more and more multi-drug resistant, so discovery of two
genes that encode copper- and sulfur-binding repressors in Staphylococcus
aureus means two new potential avenues for control.
Scientists Make Genetically Modified Fungus that Stops Mosquitoes from
Maria Cheng newser (07-Apr-11)
In lab experiments, mosquitoes exposed to a genetically modified fungus show
a sharp drop in levels of the parasite. The same process of genetic
modification could also be used to target other insect-spread diseases like
dengue and West Nile virus.
Space: Medicine's Final Frontier
Ed Yong Wired (25-Apr-11)
Bacteria turn into superbugs in the gravity-free environment of space,
gathering together, gaining strength and becoming much more effective at
causing disease. Findings represent a significant risk to the health of
space-faring humans.
Subcategory: Neurology
Scripps Research Scientists Identify Mechanism of Long-Term Memory
Mika Ono Scripps Research Institute (13-Apr-11)
"The phenomenon of spaced conditioning is conserved across all species. No
one really knows why it's important to long-term memory formation but there
appears to be something magical about that rest period during learning."
Fatigue and Sleep Woes Worsen Neurocognitive Problems in Childhood Cancer
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital (11-Apr-11)
Cancer survivors might benefit from periodic screenings for fatigue and sleep
disturbances. The results might be useful for helping adult cancer survivors,
who also battle fatigue, sleep difficulties and neurocognitive problems.
Engineered Mice Make Better Choices
Courtney Humphries Technology Review (06-Apr-11)
Mice engineered to produce more new neurons in the hippocampus are better
at discriminating between similar choices. Drugs that can boost adult
neurogenesis are currently being investigated for depression, anxiety, and
neurodegenerative disease.
Emily Singer Technology Review (05-Apr-11)
The Quantified Self is a collection of people who employ sensors, trackers,
and data analysis tools to monitor intimate details of their lives. Describes
using Zeo device to track sleep patterns, how they change with different
factors, including weather.
Anti-Depressants Boost Brain Cells after Injury in Early Studies
University of Rochester Medical Center (18-Apr-11)
Patients with brain injuries who had been prescribed anti-depressants were
doing better in unexpected ways than their counterparts who were not taking
such medications. Memory also seemed improved.
Subcategory: Oncology
PI3K At The Clinical Crossroads
Lisa M. Jarvis Chemical & Engineering News (11-Apr-11)
P13K enzymes are involved in a host of functions that contribute to the
ability of cells to thrive. Their activity is so pervasive that a mutation in one
enzyme isoform is present in a wide range of cancers. Companies are eager to
drugs inhibiting them.
Richard Saltus Harvard University Gazette (27-Apr-11)
New research show how cancer cells escape from tumor suppression
mechanisms that normally prevent these damaged cells from multiplying.
Potential link between this cell proliferation control mechanism and the
cognitive deficits caused by Down syndrome.
Biophysicist Targeting IL-6 to Halt Breast, Prostate Cancer
Ohio Supercomputer Center (19-Apr-11)
The small protein molecule Interleukin-6 (IL-6), produced in the body to
combat infection and injury, is elevated up to 40-fold n various categories of
cancer patients. Scientist uses a supercomputer to search for the best
configuration to block IL-6.
Developing Cancer Drugs Based on Genomics
Emily Singer Technology Review (19-Apr-11)
Startup plans to use the growing amount of genomic information about cancer
to create new drugs targeted at the mechanisms that drive specific subtypes of
the disease, that is, genetic mistakes, not by the cancer's location in the body.
Loss of Cell Adhesion Protein Drives Esophageal and Oral Cancers in Mice
University of Pennsylvania (12-Apr-11)
The protein p120-catenin (p120ctn) that helps cells stick together is
frequently absent or out of place in these cancers, but it’s unclear if its loss
causes the tumors. Finding might lead to targets for therapy, early detection.
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Subcategory: Computing Systems
Biomatters Adds New Algorithms
Bio-IT World (11-Apr-11)
Wide choice of algorithms offer researchers direct access to the full power of
an institution’s computing grid or cluster using software, new algorithms and
capabilities to easily offload high-intensity processing to computer clusters
from their desktops.
Subcategory: Databases
The State of Mutation Curation
Kevin Davies Bio-IT World (05-Apr-11)
The Human Gene Mutation Database (HGMD) contains more than 110,000
different disease-causing or disease-associated mutations in more than 4,000
different human genes. Background of history and funding challenges.
Decoding Human Genes is the Goal of a New Open-Source Encyclopedia
Penn State (19-Apr-11)
ENCODE is a massive database cataloging many of the functional elements of
the entire collection of human genes. ENCODE data are being made available
to the scientific community and to the public as an open resource.
Subcategory: Genome Sequence
Nanopore-Based Genome Sequencer
Drug Discovery & Development (28-Apr-11)
Roche and IBM agree to develop a nanopore-based sequencer that will
directly read and decode human DNA quickly and efficiently. Advantages in
cost, throughput, scalability, and speed compared to sequencing currently available
or in development.
Charting Signs on the Genomic Highway
Howard Hughes Medical Institute (24-Mar-11)
Stretches of non-coding DNA contain instructions for when, where, and to
what degree each of the genes should be turned on. New maps show where
certain markers of genetic regulation are found on each of the human
chromosomes in a variety of cell types.
Subcategory: Imaging
Polarized Microscopy Technique Shows New Details of How Proteins Are
The Rockefeller University (18-Apr-11)
Scientists develop a new technique that can help deduce the orientation of
specific proteins within the cell by turning their instruments toward the
nuclear pore complex, a huge cluster of proteins that serves as a gateway to a
cell’s nucleus.
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Subcategory: Disease Prevention
Safety of Workers at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant
Tetsuya Tanimoto et al. The Lancet (18-Apr-11)
Japanese experts propose the collection and storage of autologous
peripheral-blood stem cells (PBSCs) in case of workers' accidental overdose of
radiation exposure. This banking of a worker's own cells offers numerous
advantages over donor cells.
Subcategory: Wound/Tissue Repair
Researchers Inject Nanofiber Spheres Carrying Cells into Wounds to Grow Tissue
University of Michigan (17-Apr-11)
To repair complex or oddly shaped tissue defects, an injectable cell carrier is desirable to achieve accurate fit, minimize surgery. Nanofibrous hollow
spheres are combined with cells and then injected into the wound. More
effective than cell matrix.
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